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How to Jumpstart the New Year

To jumpstart anything, a temporary connection to an external power is generally needed. Similar to jumpstarting a car, connectors to an external power are used to direct energy to a source for getting the car to move.

The New Year is an opportunity many of us use to jumpstart our goals. If you are like me, every year, we are going to lose weight, try to spend less and try a new adventure. As you know, those goals never get past three months and if we are honest, we have restarted those goals at least three times during the first week of the year.

Full transparency on my part, routines are a comfort. During the same thing every day, becomes a security blanket. How often, have we hidden behind our roles as a parent, or spouse. Our reasons why we were unable to finish the set plans, because as parents or as a spouse, we put their interest before ours.

As good parents, your kids become your top priorities, however, they are not your identity. The same things apply to being a spouse. We must set goals, that we want to achieve, and not be discourage if it takes longer than anticipated. The ultimate goal is to learn how to pivot and survive in this thing we call life.

Ephesians 3:20 - Now unto him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.

This is a reminder that God is the power source.  He has unlimited ability to supply all the finest things life has to offer. God knows what you want before you even ask, and he has already made the provisions for you beforehand.

Matthew 7:7 – Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

  • Don’t beat yourself up for any of your failures or frustrations. Believe within yourself, that you deserve God’s best and realized you can have a better life.

  • Take action, small as it maybe, and work alongside with God.

  • Build on your small success.

  • You must get sick and tired of being sick and tired, before you can aggressively pursue God’s best for you.

Lastly, decide today that you will not settle for nothing less than GOD's best. He tells us:

  • To seek him to find what you need.

  • Knock on the door of his heart, to have it open unto your desires.

  • Ask him, to receive what is best for you.

I have experienced that God's wisdom knows what's best for me and his everlasting love for me, ensures me that I will receive the very best.

Let's not jumpstart this New Year on our own, but with God to receive the best he has to offer.

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